2013年12月2日 星期一









○1975年, 英美編目規則修訂委員會(Joint Steering Committee for Revision of the Anglo-American
Cataloguing Rules)建議規畫適用於圖書館常見資料的總則型標準, 1977年出版ISBD(G); 接著修改ISBD(M), 使其配合ISBD(G), 於1978年出版修訂版。

○IFLA成立ISBD修訂委員會, 於1981年正式規畫, 定期審視及修訂圖書、連續性出版品、靜畫資料及非書資料等ISBD。

→該委員會有三個主要目標: (1)協調各ISBD, 增加其一致性; (2)改進例子; (3)加強對非羅馬語系的編目員的支持。
→當年的短期目標是: (a)檢視等號的使用方法;(b)考慮國際音樂圖
→至1980年代底, 以上兩個短期目標都已達成。

ISBD主要的目標是明定全球相容的敘述書目記錄, 幫助國家書目機構在國際間互相交換書目
記錄。藉由規範著錄的細目、順序、標點符號, 期望達成三個目標:
a)不同來源的書目資料得以互相交換, 甲國的書目資料可以輕易的被乙國的圖書館接受;
b)跨越語文障礙, 即使不認識該語文, 仍可識得其記錄的內容;

By specifying the elements that comprise a bibliographic description and by prescribing the order in which those elements should be presented, and secondarily the punctuation by which they should be separated,the ISBD aims to:
• make records from different sources interchangeable, so that records produced in one country
can be easily accepted in library catalogues or other bibliographic lists in any other country;
• assist in the interpretation of records across language barriers, so that records produced for
users of one language can be interpreted by users of other languages;
• assist in the conversion of bibliographic records to electronic form;
• enhance interoperability with other content standards.

○Work on the ISBD has been guided by the following objectives and principles:
• The ISBD provides consistent stipulations for description of all types of published resources, to
the extent that uniformity is possible, and specific stipulations for specific types of resources as
required to describe those resources.
• The ISBD provides the stipulations for compatible descriptive cataloguing worldwide in order to
aid the international exchange of bibliographic records between national bibliographic agencies
and throughout the international library and information community (including producers and
• The ISBDaccommodates different levels of description, including those needed by national
bibliographic agencies, national bibliographies, universities and other research collections.
• The descriptive elements needed to identify and select a resource must be specified.
• The set of elements of information rather than the display or use of those elements in a specific
automated system provides the focus.
• Cost-effective practices must be considered in developing the stipulations.

第一、二、四及六項的細目由作品本身取得, 因此, 在可能的情況, 應儘量使用作品本身的語文著錄; 解說該等項的資訊, 使用作品本身的語文, 置於方括弧內。例外的情形是:
- 規定的縮寫(見0.7)及規定的說明(見0.10及0.11);
- 資料類型標示(見1.2)及經銷者職責敘述(見4.3), 應以國家書目機構或其他編目機構選定的語
第三項著錄的語文, 由各相關的ISBD規定。
第五、第七及第八項使用的術語, 不必置於方括弧內, 應以國家書目機構或其他編目機構選定的語文為準。
- 在第七項裡引用到的書名;
- 第七項裡用到的引句;
- 第八項裡的識別題名。
作品不是國家書目機構或其他編目機構選定的語文, 必要時, 可以直接翻譯或轉述為該等機構使用的語文, 不必置於方括弧內。

