: Resource Description and Access)自許為新的編目標準,已經將完稿發交出版社印刷,將於2009年取代英美編目規則第二版。
資源描述和檢索的發展,係基於國際圖書館協會聯盟(IFLA)的兩個概念模型 – 《書目紀錄功能要件》(FRBR)與《權威資料功能需求》(FRAD)。
○、What is RDA?
RDA: Resource Description and Access is the
new cataloging standard intended to succeed Anglo-American Cataloging Rules,
2nd edition (AACR2) as the preferred standard for library cataloging.
RDA goes beyond earlier cataloging codes in
that it provides guidelines on cataloging digital resources and places a
stronger emphasis on helping users find, identify, select, and obtain the
information they want.
RDA also supports the clustering of
bibliographic records in order to show relationships between works and their
creators. This important new feature makes users more aware of a work's
different editions, translations, or physical formats. For more information on
RDA see the JSC website http://www.rda-jsc.org/rda.html.
Purpose and Scope(目的與範圍)
The data created using RDA to
describe a resource(描述資源本身) are designed to assist users performing the following tasks:
Find(找到)─i.e., to find resources
that correspond to the user’s stated search criteria
Identify(識別)─i.e., to confirm that the
resource described corresponds to the resource sought, or to distinguish
between two or more resources with similar characteristics
to select a resource that is appropriate to the user’s
to acquire or access the resource described.
↑此四項是根據:Functional Requirements
for Bibliographic Records: Final Report (München: K.G. Saur, 1998)
The data created using
RDA to describe an entity
associated with a resource(描述與資源相關的實體)(a person, family,
corporate body, concept, etc.) are designed to assist users performing the
following tasks:2
Find(找到)─i.e., to find information on that entity and on resources associated
with the entity
Identify(識別)─i.e., to confirm that the entity described corresponds to the entity
sought, or to distinguish between two or more entities with similar names, etc.
Clarify(澄清)─i.e., to clarify the relationship between two or more such entities,
or to clarify the relationship between the entity described and a name by which
that entity is known(澄清實體與名稱之間的關係)
Understand(理解)─i.e., to understand why a particular name or title, or form of name
or title, has been chosen as the preferred name or title for the entity.(了解編目時為何使用這個書名或題名)
↑此四項是根據:Functional Requirements for
Authority Data: A Conceptual Model, edited by Glenn E. Patton (München: K.G.
Saur, 2009)
Key Features(主要特點)
Relationship to
Other Standards for Resource Description and Access(關係到其他標準的資源描述和訪問)
MARC Format Overview(MARC格式概述)
→Bibliographic Format Documentation(書目格式文檔)
→Authority Format Documentation(權威格式文檔)
→Holdings Format Documentation(控股格式文檔)
→Classification Format Documentation(分類格式文檔)
→Community Information Format Documentation(社區信息格式文檔)
Code List Documentation(代碼列表文檔)
→Country Code List Documentation(國家代碼列表文檔)
→Language Code List Documentation(語言代碼列表文檔)
→Geographic Areas Code List Documentation(地理區域代碼列表文檔)
→Organization Code List Documentation(組織機構代碼列表文檔)
→Relator Code and Term List Documentation(敘述者代碼和術語列表文件)
●、MARC Format Overview→http://www.loc.gov/marc/status.html
Conceptual Models Underlying RDA(概念模型相關的RDA)
Objectives and Principles Governing Resource Description and Access(目標和原則管理資源描述和訪問)